新的数字银行——即将到来! 数字银行目前是不可用的,而我们最终确定一个新的数字银行的经验,作为我们的系统集成的一部分. 我们将在新平台上线后给您发送电子邮件,以便您探索新的特性和功能. 与此同时, 请访问我们的网站,了解更多有关期望以及如何为顺利过渡做准备的信息.
Our new online and mobile banking platform is now available!
学习 more about our new digital experience, including new features and functionality
Follow the steps on the portal to submit your information.
Request a six-digit verification code by email or text.
Follow the criteria listed to create a new password.
Review our Digital 银行ing Service Agreement, then click “Accept & “继续”继续.
To ensure you are running the latest version of our mobile app, delete the current app on your mobile device
并访问 应用程序商店 or Google Play商店 下载新的应用程序. Follow the same steps as above to log in.
We have recently completed various system integrations to bring you a
If you are a member, you received a packet in the mail with details and what
action steps you can take to ensure you experience the best of these changes.
Now that NEFCU and VSECU are united as one credit union, 我们已经优先发展一个名称和品牌标识,以反映两个组织的优势和遗产. We are excited to bring the most valued characteristics, 特征, and offerings to light as we clarify the new look and feel for our future.
This will take time and consideration. We expect this process to be completed later in 2024. 在此期间, 您可能会收到包含NEFCU和VSECU徽标或仅包含NEFCU徽标的邮件或电子邮件通信或被引导到包含NEFCU徽标的网页或在线应用程序. Once we have a new identity, the new name will replace both NEFCU and VSECU. Until then, we appreciate your patience and understanding.
下面, 你会找到最常见问题的答案,了解什么在变化,什么保持不变,这样你就可以适当地计划.
We finished integrating existing and new systems on Monday, November 6.
我们的系统集成为您提供了更强大的产品和服务选择, and a larger number of branches around the state. 点击这里 查看我们的完整指南,了解我们集成系统后您可以期待的变化和好处.
VSECU and NEFCU (New England Federal Credit Union) merged on January 1, 2023. 我们一整年都在努力建立我们的伙伴关系,并为您带来每个信用合作社提供的最佳服务.
我们将继续以各自的品牌名称NEFCU和VSECU (NEFCU的一个部门)运营,直到确定并为合并后的信用合作社创建一个新名称, 可能在2024年.
我们已经正式为会员推出了一个新的数字银行平台,并很高兴与您分享! 点击这里了解更多 关于你的新数字体验.
除非您已经收到我们的信函,说明您需要为您的特定帐户采取的步骤。, 你不需要做任何事情.
您的会员编号, which we use as your unique identifier, 作为系统整合过程的一部分可能已经发生了变化,并将在11月4日之后的新声明中反映出来. 这与您的帐号是分开的,不会影响您今天进行交易的能力.
We identified less than 1,000 members who needed a new account number. Unless you received a letter from us as part of this group, your account number(s) is/are staying the same.
No, the routing number is staying the same: #211691127.
是的! As of November 6, you can get 24/7 support from our Contact Center. 我们与专业的呼叫中心服务提供商合作,以支持非工作时间和呼叫量增加期间的呼叫.
We have created a non-transaction 会员 Share account for all members. 该账户仅用于持有您在我们金融合作社的5美元股份, which is required by New England Federal Credit Union (NEFCU) Bylaws. 您将无法使用该帐户进行交易,也不会收到该帐户的对账单. As an existing member, you don’t need to do anything. 已为您创建帐号.
If you are a member in good standing at either of the credit unions, you will maintain your membership status.
Your accounts have not been combined, 这意味着你在NEFCU和VSECU之间拥有相同数量的账户. If you are a member of both credit unions, you kept your VSECU member number.
As of November 6, you can transact freely between your NEFCU and VSECU accounts.
Funds will continue to be covered by NCUA up to $250,000. 如果你的账户设置正确,联邦保险可能会覆盖更多的金额. If you are not sure whether your accounts are set up correctly, 向会员服务顾问咨询.
Overdraft Protection will be called Overdraft Transfer. 您可以将各种存款账户或任何信用额度附加到每个支票账户以进行透支转账. 您每月将获得四次免费转账,不包括信用额度转账.
You’ll notice a few changes with our deposit accounts.
You can continue using your checks as always.
If you have a VISA® or VISA Rewards credit card, you can continue using your card(s) without disruption.
You will receive a paper copy of your credit card statement for November, even if you were enrolled in e语句.
No! Your card should continue to work, though t在这里 may be some limitations. 我们建议您进行相应的计划,并在此期间拥有其他可用的支付资源. If you are experiencing issues with your debit card, 请与我们联系,我们将协助您更换当前的借记卡.
No! 从11月6日起,你将可以免费使用VSECU在全国各地分支机构的自动取款机.
报表将有一个新的外观,并为不同的帐户分别准备. 您将收到11月份的两份报表,因为我们将使用一个系统- 11月1日至3日, 另一个是11月4日到30日. 第二个语句以及随后的所有语句都将具有新的外观和设计.
For a complete list of changes to look for on statements after November 3, please refer to the guide you received in the mail or view it online.
The impact to your current accounts will be minimal, 但是,新富联会共享汇票帐户或商业加支票帐户的现有持有人,其帐户的名称和费用结构将会发生变化。. 您不需要采取任何行动将您的资金转移到新的账户类型. The change happened automatically as of November 6.
请仔细阅读完整的指南,其中标记为与所有帐户相关的部分。, 包括商业账户.